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Is Trump "The Anti-Christ"? [A rebuttal to the presentation linked]

Writer: A.J. DunbarA.J. Dunbar

Updated: 5 days ago

I wasn't sure at first whether or not to post this to my site, given the highly controversial nature of the subject matter. However, on reflection, I feel it my duty to counter the narrative that is rife currently: "BE AFRAID! NOTHING GOOD CAN COME OF THESE "INTERESTING TIMES". The symbolism I have seen for the past 5 years points to something very different, but I had to consider the views of the presenter in the following video in order to see what (imo) is truly beautiful and a reason to have great hope.

The 'Is Trump the Anti-Christ?' video:

I shouldn't have resisted watching a friend's (a brother's) suggestion to watch this video: an argument for Trump being "THE ANTI-CHRIST!" (Du-du-duuuuur), though what exactly this means the presenter doesn't go into... We will explore it in great depth here, so buckle up as it's quite a journey!

I'm very glad I did honour my love for said brother and gave it some time (I'm embarrassed to say the actual amount of time this took me, not even taking into account that I lost half of it through a tech glitch). Though I do not claim any of this discussion to be "proof" of anything, I hope that it shows another perspective and perhaps a more wholistic view than the very negative (and symbolically immature) one presented in said video. Of course, you will see that my sense is pretty much the opposite of the Presenter's view, but I welcome critique and alternative views - please post in the comments.

Make of it what you will.

Throughout this video the presenter makes many leaps and assumptions, all based on a one-sided (negative) view of any kind of symbolism, and often on inverted logic and obfuscation (sounds familiar, right?). This piece is written to offer another perspective on the symbols, signs and arguments discussed.

So we begin with the assumption that because Trump is directing attention to this idea of 'Apotheosis' at the 2025 inauguration, which means 'to be exalted to divine rank', he must be in some way ungodly, or a heretic, or just a bad man. However, the apotheosis is the GO-Al of the human expereince, and one that all the great Solar heroes in Mythology point to: Christ/ Buddha/ Mithras etc. Because the presenter's understanding of Religion and faith has only reached an exoteric level (outer/ profane/ half-truths) he will not innerstand that this attainment is Abel to be reached by anyone. He interprets this, therefore as Trump lifting himself above others, as if he were a "god". Another perspective, however, is that this is showing us the potential we are all capAbel of, if we re-instate our inner King, our inner Sovereign and re-member that we are all the Sons and Daughters of "God"/ Brahman/ Source/ Whatever.

So essentially what follows is an argument that we are privy (for a change) to an inner/ esoteric ritual that shows the birth, not of a dark NWO (which had already deleted the concept and any reality of Sovereignty), but of a new age in which Christ Consciousness/ Sovereignty can rise again, after a very long fall into the Lead Age (but more on that later).

Sovereignty = 'to be above rule'.

The video of the Rotunda above the ceremony focuses firstly on the depiction of George Washington - with which the presenter makes the leap that both Washington and Trump are claiming to be equal to one of the pantheistic "gods"... Poseidon, Hermes etc are pointed out as examples, but they are in the position of the outer ring. Washington is not in the outer ring (i.e. The Zodiac Sky Wheel/ the 12 "gods"/ Archetypes) but is in the centre. This is not an exaltation where a man is becoming a "god", but where that conscious being has become truly Self-aware and re-membered and recognised himself in the same way that "Jesus of Nazareth", or "Prince Siddhartha Gautama", or any of the great Sages, real or "mythological" throughout history achieved. The one who reaches the apotheosis has re-cognised himself as The Centre of the Wheel - which we see in the symbol of the Sun (SonDivineChildChristConsiousnes), a circle with a dot in the centre. He has re-membered who he truly is in his apotheosis, and through being 'Christed' (a title, not a name) he has come back to centre, after being lost in The Wheel of Fortune (that which changes). This is available to every Man and Woman, not just a select few... and we'll get into why we're - all of us and not just a select few - being shown this, this esoteric (inner/ secret) wisdom now, shortly.

Just keep in mind for now that when one realeyeses they are the Centre of The Wheel, The All having a human experience, they know that to do violence against another is to do violence against themselves/ THE SELF. To achieve one's own authentic Sovereignty is to grant the whole of Man the same right to not be coerced.

So this emphasis on the rotunda and the new publicly accessible INNER location for the inauguration (imo) is an indication of a move toward greater Sovereignty and Consciousness for all.

To achieve this, only one way is possible and that is to end The Corp(se)oration that is "governmente" (collectivism), because that very system is based on violence and coercion, through the loss (at sea) of Sovereignty for The Individual. We could get into maritime "law", the creation of the legal fiction/ the strawman, but it would be far too long-winded and this will already be a very long piece.

The Presenter makes a big deal about the idea of "last president" being an indication of Hell being somehow unleashed... just to emphasise the point: is an end to the masquerade and puppetry of "governmente" (literally 'Mind Control') really a bad thing? The one thing the presenter fears the most is that "governmente" and the Corp(se)oration will attain total control over Man for eternity... but this was, for all intent and purposes already the situation on Earth. How does continuing to legitimise the parasite and fraud that is the Corp(se)oration (by continuing the idea of "presidents" etc) any different to the plan that he is warning us of? Trump will be the last president, but with that comes the end or the Corp(se)orate world (which is synonymous with a corrupt monopoly).

The final inauguration (if indeed legitimate) was held under the 1st president (George Washington), so it had held underneath so that the 47th could end it [search my channel for '47' for the many reasons why this is a most sacred and beautiful number - but in essence t represents Divine Masculine/ Balance as 11].

The Presenter even makes a "mistake" and says "[Trump wants] to be the last president of this company... I mean country"! He says "Freudian slip", but I reckon it was more of a Jungian mythopoeic "slip" (Synchromystic kinda fing).

The Presenter makes a big deal about "Capitol" in Washington D.C. being spelt with an 'O' rather than an "A", but doesn't quite explain why this is "dark"... instead he jumps immediately to Capitol Hill being a recreation of the "Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus" in Rome, and of course, in his opinion, all things associated with Rome must be "bad", right? I'm not denying the ills of the Roman Empire and the Vatican, especially after it was infiltrated and subverted (just as America was following the War of Independence), but is their mythology and symbolism automatically "evil" - nope. No symbol is. If anything, the choice of a temple to Jupiter is a good indication of the intentions of both the founding fathers and of Trump etc. Jupiter/ Zeus, though not "perfect" by our human morality (he is a god/ archetype after all), is the beneficent, goodly father. The archetype is known for good fortune, abundance and growth, rather than his opposite number: Saturn "the negative father". So again, no real argument as to why this "temple" is negative.

'E PLURIBUS UNUM' - From Many One (and from One Many)

The Presenter is arguing that pantheism ( a belief in many gods) is somehow "incorrect" or not of "God"; so he's clearly an exoteric (uninitiated) Christian - anyone in the truth movement who hasn't questioned orthodox Christianity (or any exoteric version of faith) has a HUGE gap in their innerstanding of the conspiracy against us and the nature of the war on Consciousness. His fundamentalism is further confirmed later on when he alludes to Trump literally burning in a "lake of fire" (as opposed to the alchemical/ symbolic symbolism of fire and water together - i.e. the calcinatio and solutio which are fundamental to the apotheosis we have been exploring.). Initiates and Adepts (of any mystic or esoteric bent) know that the idea of One "God" is not opposed to many "gods". The 12 archetypes (and millions of representations of these) are the way the One (Source) creates our Reality. They are not separate from God but are the characters which take part in and colour this Uni(One)-Verse(Story). This view that pantheism is "not of God" alludes to his Black/White thinking and many of his assumptions, which are based not only on exoteric religious dogma, but also the dogma preached in most of the truth movement: "any use of symbolism/ ritual = "bad".

This idea also leads back to the rotunda and the apotheosis shown: the 13th point of a circle is its centre, which is why Christ was the 13th of his disc-iples. The 12 archetypes (see Da Vinci's "The Last Supper" for the apostles in their relevant Zodiacal order) spinning around the central point - Self/ Christ Consciousness/ YOU. Christ is "The Light of the World" - a reference to the the 13th Cranial Nerve and Optic Thalamus, which also has 12 cranial nerves surrounding it. And hence why there were 13 colonies and ONE Nation. As Above, So Below.

The presenter points out the 6 sided symbols around the outside of the rotunda. 6 is the number of the cube and Saturn, and the outside of the rotunda represents our day to day existence in form (which is Saturn), and that which changes in time (Saturn), just as the Zodiac signs move through the sky and as our world changes seasonally. External reality = the cube, 6 = Carbon = Matter and why Saturn/ Satan is "Lord of this whorl-D (of form).

This is why it took "God" 6 days to create the world. 6 is the number of work (Saturn) and also symbolises a probationary period where one is put to the test. Is the testing of our consciousness not what we experience in the world of form? It takes some "work" and a period of time (also Saturn) to realeyes who and what we are as the Centre of the Wheel. The 7th day of "rest" = the 7th Chakra opened after you have done "the work" to realeyes the wholistic perspective of the 6th chakra, by coming back to Centre (of the Rotunda). But around around The Wheel - with the 6 pointed stars - you go, until you gknow who you are - Sovereign, which is what Washington in the Centre represents. An idea of a realm where one is above the rule of tyrants. A shame that vision was quickly hijacked.

Indoor inauguration

- The presenter makes the assumption (and I agree, but for different intentions by Trump etc) that the only reason they were indoors was to be under the rotunda.

- I also agree that the "assassination attempt" was pure theatre - a false flag to get the discussion of such deceptions spoken of widely. But the presenter assumes that this was purely done with malicious intent to mislead (without the presenter ever saying why, or providing a possible rationale for it). My opinion is that the assassination attempt was to firmly reawaken in the minds of the Americans the murder of Kennedy (and others). The presenter actually mentions this: the coming declassification of those files, without considering who (and not just individuals but the vampiric empire itself) those files incriminate. The American psyche was deeply wounded by JFK's murder and as you know, the only way to heal is to face that memory/ emotion/ trauma etc. Which is why through the rest of this we will see continual referencing of these assassinations.

- that "attempt" on Trump's life has made many people question what they are seeing in this Kabuki theatre. This prompt to question is, I think, what OperationWakeUpNeo has always been about: no longer abdicating (which means to give up your Sovereignty) responsibility to think critically; to think for themselves. Sure, many think this assassination attempt was real, but MILLIONS don't and it doesn't really matter which side they fall on: "it was a way to gain votes for Trump", or "The CaBa'al tried to kill him"... or the third perspective I suggest.

- The presenter says it isn't possible for the ear to heal, which just shows his assumptions again. I don't think Trump was shot... BUT if he was, is it not possible that there are ways to "heal" (or to cosmetically alter) an ear? Or, it could be a little wink, again to show us that this is all theatre (and always has been). Again: the last president. The end of the rule of "authority" (parasites/ puppets etc).

- Presenter says that Trump says nothing about the "drones"; but this is provably false. Trump has spoken a few times about them and has since promised to "shed LIGHT" on drone (see article linked below).

- I have no doubt that symbolic language is constantly being used by Trump. This example (imo) is a direct reference to The Q Plan and The Tarot (which is well known to adepts in these upper echelons of power). 17 (Q) = The Star in Tarot has a Hebrew letter assigned to it - 'He' - it means 'window'. The card is one of healing, coming directly after The fall of all that is based on falsity (16 The Tower) and the fear/ control of 15 The Devil. 17 sheds light on the way to heal (same root as 'whole') through looking objectively and calmly at the previous two cards - the darkness and destruction. A window "sheds light" on something... The Q Plan shed light on The Devils in our World... []

- Another symbolic nod (imo) is the moving indoors because of "the cold". Cold symbolically = Winter/ Death/ poverty/ lack of growth/ lack of the warming heat of The SunSon…. All of which former "governments" kept us locked in; a perpetual season of winter,scarcity and death.. and "they" all held their inaugurations outside "in the cold". To be kept out in the cold is to be kept outside of the warmth of community, but also to be kept out of secret knowledge. By coming in to the warm, there is another, far more pertinent meaning, and one that the presenter automatically sees as "bad", which is not surprising as his understanding of the mysteries (including "Christianity") is exoteric and 'profane', which means 'outside of the inner temple'.

- THIS, imo, is the main reason for the move indoors, into the temple. This shows us a huge difference between the former relationship between the people and their leaders and a new way of doing things (even if it's the last ritual of making a president). By moving inside we are moved from the profane and being initiated into the esoteric. The exoteric (for the masses, not the whole truth, dumbed down) rituals by the priestarchies would always hold a "profane" ritual for the public outside, and a separate ritual for the initiated, inside. This was the case all the way back through history and is where the word 'profane' comes from. So now, we get to witness the beauty of the inner ritual and the symbolism involved, previously only available to the chosen few; the initiated.

"You won't have to vote anymore. It'll be fixed it'll be fine"

- The presenter is telling us that to "vote" is good and that anyone implying an end to this is clearly and without question "bad". To ensure the legitimacy of the Corp(se)oration - which is what Trump I believe is showing us he and others are ending - is "good", and this is what people are doing when they "vote". They are legitimising a system that is based on coercion via gang rule (governmente) and violence. This presenter is therefore someone who hasn't truly grasped the concept of Sovereignty beyond some vague belief and slogan, taught to him by the very Corp(se)oration he is both trying to legitimise and to warn us against (see the Schizophrenia?).

- In a Sovereign realm people cannot acquire magickal "rights". "Rights" which then somehow can be transferred to a mob called "government" and which give them (and no one else) "the right" to do violence and coercion against any PERSON who doesn't "pay up", or cow tow to their overseers. Trump, if truly on the side of Sovereignty, knows that by acceding to the idea that one is a "person" with a "vote", a corp(se)orate entity which must obey The Corp(se)oration, you are abdicating your true Sovereign living Self. Again, I suggest that this is a Kingship ritual showing us the end of Corp(se)orate rule, not just on this inauguration day, but that we've been shown over and over for the last 5 years.

- "It'll be fixed" I reckon is a very cute double-entendre; he's drawing attention to the fixing of elections, which has been the case for decades. Of course the presenter should jump on this... "look he's telling us that the government is going to be corrupt!"... "It'll be fixed" obviously can be heard another way: the godless, soul-less, Corp(se)orate system will be fixed. A new form will emerge - this leads on to a discussion about The Hegelian Dialectic (shock horror!) but I'm saving that until the post-script ;)

"I'm not a Christian"

- no Adept (one who is adept in innerstanding the mysteries) is identified solely with one faith over another. He understands that these are great mythologies that are all telling the same story - a story which has been playing out so obviously over the last decade or so. Trump may be a figurehead of this ritual enactment of prophesy, but he is not alone in reaching apotheosis... this is (imo) a time of awakening to our true nature, or at least the beginning of it, where we are waking up from the spell of The Devil (15), the destruction of The Tower (16) and the space, the place of healing, where external oppression has abated, represented by The Star (17... Q). Then we still have the inner journey (Pisces - The Moon - 18) that the collective (Aquarius/ The Star/ 17) has to walk through, but alone... no one can see through one's own conditioning (The Moon) but ourselves... But when you do, The Sun/ King (19) dawns and you realeyes that there is no need to fear for you are, in very nature Sovereign - not "perfect" (and Trump shows this perfectly!) but Whole. THE Whole, act-ing as a "me". So again, if I've not made it clear: this is a ritual showing us the dawning of a new world order, but one based not on engineered Chaos, rather, on Sovereignty of the Individual (The SunSonKingDivineChild: YOU).

The Presenter shows the picture of Trump in front of the church holding a Bible - he doesn't tell you about the reference on the church's board to Bobby Fisher, the great Chess prodigy and Grandmaster that Trump played with regularly... This is a chess game we've been watching, polytickally, but also on a level above that puppetshow, in terms of Light vs Dark Masonic factions (or any occult, mystery school affiliation)… and also on an even higher/ deeper level: a cosmic game of chess (see Hegelian Dialectic section below).

"His body language says it all" [referring to "I'm not Christian"] - yes, his body language is congruent with the words he is speaking, unlike the forked tongues of the poly-tick-ians that have come before.

This one video of Trump saying he isn't identified with Christianity makes the presenter jump to the conclusion that this is "All of The World" and nothing to do with Heaven. I don't see how he makes this leap, but I can show that the presenter has it upside down, with his exoteric understanding of Christianity. To be identified as any one thing - be it Christianity, or American, or a man or human - is to be "of the world" and to fully believe in Maya - the illusion of form. And this isn't a bad thing! Adepts know (including Christ ffs) that he is both "in the world, but not of it"; true Christ/ Buddha/ Mithras (etc.) consciousness doesn't need to be identified with any institution called 'Christianity'. It can be, but only as a way of conveying a message; the "finger pointing at the moon is not the moon itself".

Not placing his hand on the Bible:

- See above, but in addition: There have been a few past presidents that did not place their hands on the bible. Some preferred to swear the oath on the constitution itself, or something they felt more appropriate to the position and the office. So this isn't new and, unlike the presenter believes, does not immediately mean Trump = Satanist. If I were to have a choice in a book to swear on, whilst making an oath and commitment to morality, I would choose The Lord of The Rings (not joking!), but does that make me a Sauronist? Aragorn to me embodies the idea of Kingship and Leadership, as does Christ, as does Buddha etc. Having a freedom of choice... how very un-american, right?

- It could equally be the case that Trump chose not to because this further signifies the end of The Corp(se)oration; either "there's no oath to be made to a destroyed undead thing", or "I'm still the president and never left office" (see the idea of Devolution). Why isn't the presenter mentioning anything about the hilarity of "The Biden Show", if we're talking legitimacy of the office? Why wouldn't the spectators demand a do over "if they weren't in on it" - well maybe they are "in on it", but they know whatsupp and that the Game is won.

"[Melania] is dressed like The Undertaker from WWE"... Well yeah if this is a ritual to mark the death of the Corp(se)oration, that would be entirely appropriate. The white band implies again that there is Light at work too, but that at a funeral to mark the end of something, all white is not symbolically repectful..

"Does that look friendly to you?" [in reference to Melania] - This is just his opinion, but I agree with it. However, I know of plenty of monsters that have appeared to be "friendly". "I have a feeling that a servant of the enemy would look fairer and feel fouler" - Frodo.

The victors of war don't need to look "friendly", or happy, or smug. I would suggest Melania looks regal, befitting the Queen of someone who, for all intent and purposes has been crowned (or not as the case may be) "King"; at least our modern day version; a perverse mockery of Kingship.

Presenter again shows his symbolic immaturity, by automatically stating that "purple" [the marriage of red and blue, Earth and Heaven, As Below So Above], and 33 (number of vertebrae it takes to heave-N the Chrism oil up Jacob's ladder/ The Divine Master number Child, born of 11 and 22) are only used for dark rituals. He even shows his pride in his lack of growth in this area, by stating "we worked that out [the way symbolism could subvert the mind] 15 years ago"... Great, but what have you learnt about symbolism and the light side of the dialectic since then? Nothing! So how can he identify the dark/ The Adversary etc if he hasn't realised its opposite. The two are actually One and you only know "One" through the "Other".

"Lucifer has been Summoned video"

- Firstly, the "Star" appears to me (when first on screen) to be the same image depicted on every representation I've seen of the star that appeared to guide the Magi to Christ's birthplace... Again, another hint that we are witnessing the dawn of Christ consciousness in our world. To suggest such an event could take place in modern times is likely blasphemous to the presenter, especially if one were to follow it up with "and we're all ca-Abel" of being Christed.

- The Presenter states that the shape is an egg surrounded by a serpent... and then leaps to this being "Lucifer the Lightbearer", with zero explanation of why that symbol is as he claims. But anyone who has even looked into Symbolism for a little while will know that this is The Orphic Egg. The Universal symbol of Creation, found in cultures and their myths from the beginning. And yes, it both signifies beginnings and endings... but this is what this continuing ritual is about: an ending of the age, ruled by the dark powers, and the inauguration of the new; with all signs and symbols so far pointing toward our age's adversary being banished.

- Because he can't explain why this represents "Lucifer", he goes to that old favourite of all exoteric believers "some of the things we just can't explain or understand"... maybe he would if he studied symbolism with an open mind.

"The Last President" (Lockwood Ingersoll)

- They make the point that the author's name sounds made up, like a Harry Potter character. This is common place in esoteric circles - again it relates to the relinquishing of you strawman, legal fiction "government" name and taking on a freely chosen one, outside of "their" Piratic "law".

- Ingersoll = ING: the Teutonic god which was associated with the hearth place, somewhere to keep fire (fire = consciousness)/ 'Ger': Latin meaning 'bearing'/ Sol: Sun/ Christ/ Divine Child/ Ego, Individual Consciousness.

- So Ing.Ger.Sol = A way of keeping the fire of consciousness burning so that Light can eventually be brought to bear when the time is right. E.g. when The Last President - the figure head of The SUnSonChristConsciousness remerges.

- Published in 1900 - Remember when I said that this was the inevitable process of unfolding and evolving Consciousness told by the Tarot; which the upper, initiated echelons know full well. The process take us from 15 THE DEVIL, through to 19 THE SUN (The King/ Your inner King is crowned, released from oppression, remembering our divine nature, freedom from fear and inheriting our Sovereign birthright).

- The first of the trilogy's books hints at the beginning of the Journey in Tarot: "The Little Baron Trump and his Wonderful Dog Bulger" - The Fool/ Hero has his dog in the card 'Bulger'; Bulger deriving from a root word meaning leather bag - a reference to the knapsack The Fool carries. The second book "The Underground Journey" is that inner Journey into darkness of the world and our own shadow that every hero must complete if they are to get to 19 - it also might be referencing the horrors that have been under our ground in those tunnels and DUMBS, which there is much evidence to suggest have been the focus of operations since 2017... and then the third book "The Last President" is the death of The Corpseoration… With 19 The Sun (that re-cognition that one is the Centre of The Wheel in the apotheosis) He realeyeses that no one with a mature and evolved solar (Christ) consciousness can take an office which is based on violence against other Sovereign Beings. In 19 The Sun, the Master/ Slave dynamic is seen through and di-spelled.

- The Hero is guided by "Don", the "Master of all Masters". Firstly a "Don" is a shaman, a wise spiritual leader in South America. Playing Devil's advocate, it is also used as reference to Mafiosa bosses, but as this character in the book is a sage and a guide, I think the former meaning is more appropriate. Tom Bombadil in LOTR fits this "Master" archetype perfectly - for this strange being (Christ consciousness incarnate), power and the ring has zero appeal. He has realised who and what he is - A Master that no other can enslave, and nor does he want slaves below him.

Choice of 'Baron':

- A Baron is one who is noble, the root meanings of which include:

- one who has come to gKnow; yeah to know who they truly are through gnosis

- One who is excellent in all they do (morally excellent) and worthy of honour or respect. Imo, anyone who seeks to "do something about them kids" (and then doing so that the entire system of "theirs" would turn on the ridicule, the character assassination (and no doubt several real attempts at this that we don't hear about), attacked and unecessarily hated by so many, is indeed worthy of the highest respect.

- Baron is the "lowest" rank of nobility; so whilst the honour and respect due remains, the position is a humble one.

Time Traveller:

- Throughout this section (and most of thse presented, tbh) the presenter never explains why "Time Travelling Trump" = Anti-Christ. If anything, the connection to Tesla would indicate not CERN but the recovered tech by John Trump. Again it seems like the presenter has not done enough research, or he is purposefully obfuscating. He does the same later on when Trump is linked to Tesla in a photo but there is no mention of this piece of history.

- Presenter focuses on CERN being the way in which time travel/ seeing the future may have been possible. CERN has long been suggested to be a dark, satanic place - which might be confirmed by its focus on particles in order to know God - part-Icles = the individual, identifiable and therefore only one-half of the equation (see his misunderstanding of Trump being allegedly entirely of the world when he didn't "identify" as one particular faith.. same thing). But has the presenter not come across 'Project Looking Glass', in his research? This tech allegedly showed that the time line after 2012 remained the same, no matter what permutations were placed into it. No mention of this, perhaps because it was purported to have shown that the "Good Guys Win" in the end and that it cannot be changed. It doesn't fit with his fear-based narrative. No proof here from my part, just an interesting omission by the presenter...

- I would say however, that the name "Looking Glass" itself is interesting. Alice discovered a tyrannical, corrupt world when she went on her adventure... + a looking glass is also a mirror, so it would suggest that through this time of revelation, we are actually discovering not just about the external world and its darkness, but that which lies within us all (As Above, So Below)… This is why vampires (psychopaths/ narcissists) can't see their own reflection in a mirror - zero conscience. Looking at ourselves with reflective honestly and making room and a home for our shadow is the ONLY way to bring true healing. The Tarot shows this through The Tower and 17 The Star ('He' = window = looking glass) and the adepts gknow this inevitably leads to The SunSonChristConsciousness.

- The presentation later shows that the strange Baron von Trump books were written at the same time as Lewis Carroll's 'Through the LOOKING GLASS" and "Wonderland" books...

- Hermetic Principle of Polarity: there will be Black, but only if there can be White (the need each other)...

- Throughout this part of his "argument" he is always assuming the 'Black' (The FoE )is the only one playing The Chess Game and making moves. No possibility or curiosity that there may be another side (a Good) involved here with something at stake and with every reason to use whatever tech or strategy at their disposal they can as an advantage in this War on Consciousness. Presenter is assuming that only those with malintent would have the ability to time-travel and set up their plan, or leave clues to it ahead of time (e.g. The Simpsons). Again he has not mentioned once about Jon Trump, even through we know full well he inherited Tesla's work... Tesla who alluded to experiencing Time-Travel in his notes.

Illuminati Card Game

- Either faction (light/ dark) could have created this game

- The cards shown associated with Trump and all either neutral or positive.

- "Enough is Enough": well, if you found out about the 8m missing kids, the tunnels, The Getty, The Silk Road, the endless meanigless wars, the plan to enslave ManKind in a =n even more obvious way (because we were already indentured serfs on their plantation)... would you not also be filled with righteous rage (as shown in the card) and say "enough is Enough" & "gotta do something about the missing kids"?

- Teflon Coated: go look for the chemical symbol of "Teflon". It is showing the two poles (Light/ Dark etc) bridged by CC (C = 3 so 33). Teflon coated = 'indestructible' which is what is realeayesed by 19 The Sun (Chrst Consciousness) - The I AM that I am is eternal, and imperishAbel. Yet more Christ cConsciousness symbolism...

- Charismatic LEader: Charisma is synonymous f=with Chirst and Chrism - we have Charisma when we express ourselves freely and without fear; the joy we radiate because we know who and what we are acts through resonance and others are drawn to us- that King, Sovereign energy lifts us up and helps us to realeyes our own Chrisma (which is exactly written as this by Terry Pratchet in Discworld, when he refers to the rightful, but humble and non-power hungry character 'Carrot' - an ORANGE name. No room to get into it here but Pratchett as much as Groenig knew what was coming and told us through stories, all of which were optimistic, not "doom and gloom, we're screwed").

- Power to the People: the natural outcome stemming from the devolution from "governmente". Cut out the unnecessary middle man, i.e. parasite, and power, wealth and choice, returns to the people - consider what Trump showed us with reducing the cost of Epi-pens from $300 to $5. I also think this is a reference to vaccine-damages and auto-immune conditions, but again, that's for another time.

- The second bullet: as far as we know, there has only been one (alleged) "bullet" shot at Trump that has been publicised. What might the first bullet be a reference too? What files has Trump just ordered to be declassified? When/ what murder is it alleged that 300+ generals got together after and said "enough is enough"?

The Simpsons and their "prophecies"

- The presenter assumes that predictive programming is only used by The CaBa'al. This is a WAR on Consciousness and Sovereignty (same difference); in war does a wise tactician not use the strategies of The Enemy against them? If a mind can be governed ("govern-mente") by such de-vices, can it not also be shown the way out of the labyrinth of conditioning and authoritarian programming?

- In those games when Trump did beat Bobby Fisher (see earlier), was he not learning The Art of War through a "game"? Would he not heave learned the Aikido approach; to use an Enemy's moves/ energy against them? Game Theory... this is perhaps why sometimes the moves being played seem to align with what we have known the Adversary has been up to for so long...

- "DRIP DRIP DRIP" Q posted... The slow reveal, by getting the cult-member themselves to see and to start asking questions is the only way to truly break that mind control they've been steeped in since birth. But I'm sure the presenter would like to sit the world down and show them his facts, figures and logic (all left-brained, "of this world" and symbolically illiterate). But any one who has worked to deprogram cult members knows that this actually has the opposite effect and further strengthens the programming. When their beliefs seem to be under attack by said logic and facts, the right brain, where the emotional brainwashing is entrenched, shuts down, and the fear of the left-brain (the Trickster within) can come up with all sorts of counter "evidence" and logic to argue that this is not so.

- Symbolic reveals, like in the Simpsons, The Sopranos, The Wire, Day of the Jackal, Silo, Battlestar Galactica (and on and on in modern TV/Film), as well as literally everywhere in the mainstream since 2020, are far, far more effective at achieving the goal of The Q Plan: to have people begin to think critically for themselves AND to become more adept at re-cognising and interpreting symbols.

- Another omission here that the presenter could use to give his argument more weight: it is 15 years from the Simpsons episode to Trump echoing that escalator scene. Again, 15 in Tarot is The Devil.. aha! Proof Trump is The Devil, right? Well, not in my opinion. Trump is DESCENDING the escalator into that Hellish place called "government" (Devil/ government = control). He wasn't already there, plotting, the symbolism suggest, but that he had to come down into the Whorl-D (Saturn's realm) to face that evil. The Tarot/ Astrology/ Mythology - any wholistic view - shows us that the The Devil is a modern creation (an exoteric religious one), and only recently associated with "evil". Prior to this, the archetype was Pan and simply the god associated with amoral nature ('eros'). As Nature it has not yet achieved the level of consciousness humans are capAbel of: morality, sovereignty.

- The Devil/ Satan/ Saturn is Capricorn - the lowest position in the Sky Wheel (Zodiac) and from there The Sun (Son/ Christ/ Buddha/ Consciousness) has to WORK (Saturn/ Duty/ completing a hard task) to rise again back to Christ Consciousness... hence why Tump has to descend that escalator first, so that he can (and we can because we are now party to that esoteric/ inner ritual) show us the rise again with this recent inauguration.

- this is (to me) confirmed when Trump says in his speech just after when he says "some of the candidates went in, they didn't even know the air-conditioning wasn't working, they sweated like dogs"... It's all symbolic of the hellish world we have been living in - Some of the candidates did not know that they were essentially signing up to work in hell, he is saying - the ones who lost the s-elections. "Dogs" is what the Corpseoration called their minions, by the way... but Trump uses the past tense; "they WORKED like dogs"

- "How are they going to beat ISIS? I don't think it's going to happen": ISIS = The Divine Mother/ the Principle of Care that these psychopaths have murdered in themselves and attempted, through their perpetual 'Cremation of Care' rituals. I don't think "they" are going to beat ISIS either.

The Trump Code:

- "Troy Anderson":

- Troy = the city in myth that was sacked because they were ignorant of the deceptions of their enemy ("beware Greeks bearing gifts"). The "Trojan Horse" is exactly the way the CaBa'al has insinuated itself into every society since the beginning and brought about it's downfall (i.e. the sacking of its values/ morality/ freedoms/ wealth). It is also the same in my favourite myth: Tolkien's Silmarillion (and LOTR). Sauron (a servant of the Dark Lord) deceived the elves by appearing as beautiful and bearing gifts - the rings - but without telling them that they were bound to his One Ring (Collectivism). This is an allegory of the false sense of power we believe our own governments have through their "rings" (legislation/ system etc), but really all are bound to the Corp(se)orate "law" (Maritime/ piratic "law").

- And.Der.Son - Der in German generally means "the", so Anderson = "And the Son" (again, SunSonChristDivineChild etc)

"State of Emergency"

- The presenter states that this is automatically a "bad" thing and indication of malintent. Well, given what we know about the missing kids, the (supposed) looming of WWIII etc etc, and even the presenter would admit, the threat of a dark NWO... would this not count as an Emergency? When would you choose to do something about an inverted world if you could actually change the state of affairs? In three years? One? Or now?

- I get "military on the streets" smacks of dark NWO, but it really does depend on the orders they are following (and I'm no fan of 'order-following, btw), whether they have been educated in Sovereignty, and believe in and value the meaning of their oath. Are warriors automatically "bad" symbolically? Or are they a vital part of our psyche?

- No doubt the military have been The Corp(se)oration's "attack dogs" for a long time, but if the "tippety top" of the pyramid starts to give different orders, would the military not also change? As Above, So Below. Does this presenter believe that all young men and women who sign up want to enslave their countrymen (or any one else for that matter)?

Trump's Rogan Interview:

- Trump is describing his first trip to Washington as President: "We're going down Pennsylvania avenue in the opposite direction to normal, normally you're used to going one way and then all of a sudden you're going the other"... this implies that we WERE headed to the dark NWO, but out of the blue comes Trump - a non poly-tickian that "they" did not expect to have a chance at winning. All of a sudden "you" (we) are on a different path and a different trajectory than the usual lies, corruption and march into further slavery.

- The presenter doesn't ever say why the link with Abe Lincoln is "interesting", so I'll give my thoughts (as usual haha)... Lincoln, firstly was another murdered president, by the Corp(se)oration. Watch "Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" for a great symbolic representation of Lincoln's stance on their "Vampire Ball" (Putin). Trump is shown with Lincoln so often because (imo) he is doing the same. Trump alludes to the same threat of assassination by "them" ("like Kennedy") - before Lincoln is mentioned in the interview .

- mentions Lincoln and son suffered from melancholia (depression): yeah, because they saw what was going on in the world, but knew it wasn't the time to end the tyranny.

The Golden Age

- the presenter says that referring to a "Golden Age" = "illuminati". There's no room here to go into why "illuminati" doesn't = "bad" (automatically), but the guy doesn't even tell us what he means by "it's straight up illuminati". Are the great myths "evil" when they tell us that the ages consciousness passes through are cyclical and that we are currently in "Kali Yuga" (Lead Age)? That a re-turn through Bronze, Silver and to Gold (Sat Yuga) is inevitable and something positive? Gold = Christ consciousness. In Alchemy the goal is to turn "Lead" (ignorance/ fear/ control) to Gold (knowledge/ Love/ Sovereignty). Terrible, right?

"You don't mess with the Bible... you're not King James"

- this made me laugh out loud. Surely, if this guy has done his research into Rome (which he has labelled "EVIL", after all) and The Crown, then he will know that The Bible has been "messed with", edited, language changed to take out the beautiful, symbolic (esoteric) messages. Of course, this is the blind spot he has - that "Christianity" is somehow above corruption. He probably knows, but is choosing to ignore in this video, that Christianity was as infiltrated as all other institutions.

- Again, Trump knows that this modern version of The Bible is a far cry from the mystical, beautiful Myth that it was - so why place his hand on "their" bastardised "creation" (mockery).

- he briefly mentions that Trump wants to "take over" Greenland, Panama canal and Canada, and that weather weaponry is affecting Panama... well is it not just as possible (perhaps more if Trump wanted to inherit a working operation) that The Enemy are doing as much damage as possible, out of spite? The Scorched Earth policy? Just a thought.

The Crypto Scams

- This (imo), is a reveal of the rigged, casino-like economy, and this crypto "scam" is a lesson in crooked economics and to be Abel to think critically AND face consequences of making ill-informed free will choices.

- the crypto expert even says "everyone knows this [Trump's coins] isn't real - it's a grift" and then goes on to show the terms set out by the coins - which show explicitly the risk involved and that it isn't a good investment. In the old economic world, risks were HIDDEN by contracts written in language the average person could not understand. What have all the myths told us since the beginning - when dealing with The Trickster (Adversary) READ THE CONTRACT.

- The highest loss the presenter shows is $1,000 - no small sum to many, but also not crippling. A short, sharp lesson in investing in a risky casino-esque venture.

- the idea that this is a (moral) lesson is also suggested by the crypto guy: "[the buyers of Trump's coins] all think there's going to be someone dumber than them later on" (he repeats this idea a couple of times - suggesting that grifting in this culture is endemic) - so they assume they can take advantage of others and defraud them... Re-member, this is a ritual that is designed (imo) to shift us into a new level of consciousness that no longer seeks to get one over on others... no longer seeks unfair advantage through deception.

- Crypto guy references the current valuation of corporations - all of those he mentions have been linked (and found guilty) recently with drug trafficking (FEDEX - and no doubt involved with human trafficking too), CVS (Big pHARMa - direct, criminal involvement in the opioid crisis) and Target (the sexual grooming and WOKE programming of children)

- Crypto guy claims Trump is doing the crypto market an injustice by making it look like it's all a scam... and then goes on to basically say that crypto is full of scams. Trump is showing us the nature of The Grift (the adversarial/ fearful and scarcity based system).

- again, all the evidence is there that "they" have crashed markets periodically for more than a century, to do exactly what they are claiming Trump has done - Would this not be a very clever way of bringing light to that? Has that planned economic rug-pulling ever been discussed in the mainstream before, at this level?

- Consider this: Trump with these coins offered a free will choice, that seemingly burnt people. It was not forced or a coerced decision, unlike the economic "norm", where fraud and theft is built into the system. "Getting burnt" in Mythology is a recurrent motif when the Hero (you) strives for greater (golden) consciousness before the ego (you) is able to contain the greater truths about your nature. The finger, the mouth, whatever first touches that initial sense of "something more" (potential abundance) is always burnt, and one never forgets that lesson/ pain. Don't forget, Trump is "King", 47 - which IS the divine masculine (search my channel for the reasons why). This is a very different kind of love than that of the softer, more nurturing, Feminine kind. It delivers lessons in typically masculine ways - with a short, sharp shock.

- "Blessed is he.. who shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and THE FINDER OF LOST CHILDREN" - well, what shepherd would not deliver a quick thwack with a stick to any sheep that insisted on trying to jump off a cliff, or make terrible investments? Is that "bad"? If Trump was saving the world from Satanic paedophiles and finding the "lost children", is that "bad"?

- It was also shown by the crypto expert that the flow of currency is traceable through the blockchain - by any normal individual - and so the criminals who defraud people can be seen by all and brought to account. No longer is it just "their" institutions who are "responsible" and in a position of trust, but we the people can "follow the money".

- Of course this immediately begs the question, which neither the presenter or the crypto guy ask (which is a big red flag!) - "has anyone looked at where the 500bn Trump has allegedly stolen gone?". I suggest that if this were looked into, the results would be very surprising (see 'World Liberty' company below).

- Trump's company that bought into Ethereum is called 'World Liberty' - conveniently not even noticed/ mentioned by the presenter.

- He bought 6,041 (11) at $3,311 (33 11). So all together you get 11 33 11 - Yet another nod to the crowning of our consciousness - The Chrism (33 - The Divine child) risen to the right hand of God in the (your) temple(s) (11 11) and who "bridges" (33) the two worlds (1 1).

- (just one of the many possible choices of) scam shown was based on "TikTok" coin - TikTok, that platform known for grooming children and paedophilia…

- It was also shown by the crypto expert that the flow of currency is traceable through the blockchain - by any normal individual - and so the criminals who defraud people can be seen by all and brought to account. No longer is it just "their" institutions who are "responsible" and in a position of trust, but we the people can "follow the money".

- Of course this immediately begs the question, which neither the presenter or the crypto guy ask (which is a big red flag!) - "has anyone looked at where the 500bn Trump has allegedly stolen gone?". I suggest that if this were looked into, the results would be very surprising (see 'World Liberty' company below).

- Trump's company that bought into Ethereum is called 'World Liberty' - conveniently not even noticed/ mentioned by the presenter.

- He bought 6,041 (11) at $3,311 (33 11). So all together you get 11 33 11 - Yet another nod to the crowning of our consciousness - The Chrism (33 - The Divine child) risen to the right hand of God in the (your) temple(s) (11 11) and who "bridges" (33) the two worlds (1 1).

Elon "Musk":

- Presenter asserts that because "Musk" (no I don't think that's the same Musk as the one we saw a decade ago) is always on podcasts/ interviews, he couldn't possibly be running so many large corporations... We're shown/ told that Elon is no where near as clever (or at least he doesn't present that way) as we're told, and yet is the founder of these "genius" companies and trusted by the "government" in critical roles...

- First point: this (to me) reveals that many of the founders we are told create these "genius" companies (like Bill Gates and SugarmountZuckerberg) are not at all geniuses and were just given the ownership and acclaim, because they are from the right families. The fact Musk chose 'Tesla' as a name also suggests this.

- Secondly, that just because you rise to a position of power within a corrupt Corpseorate system, doesn't mean you are competent. Whereas Trump Which is has always stood for competency above all, no matter your sex, or race etc.

- "Musk" further exposes this by being laughably - and I believe this is done on purpose - incompetent in his video gameplay; but incompetence is the norm in collectivism. What the corrupt system does reward is compliance and the keeping of the Big (Club) Secret: the pedophilia. Well, who has done the most in recent years for exposing the entrenched pedovorism within the Establishment? Trump, and more recently (and very vocally and effectively), "Musk". Both have called out well known names and poly-tickians for their crimes against children. Terrible, right?

- "The best gamer in the world" - the presenter says "turns out it's a lie"... as if we were ever meant to believe that statement by "Musk" outright. But what I suggest this points to is not gaming as in video games, but Game Theory - the idea that the same strategies can be employed by either side, but with different objectives... Think Space X and the space rats, cars glitching between "space" and the studio, and "it's so fake so that's how you know it's real". You couldn't devise a better strategy to expose the spells NASA has been casting since the end of WWII if you sat down for a 100 years.

- When the presenter is scrolling through the Musk videos, all of which bar one are the recent "Musk", he is saying "are you kidding me" x2, "look at this" x2 and then he stops on the only old picture of when Musk was still Musk and he says "THAT's Elon, by the way... that WAS Elon".

- Uses the argument that "Musk" having conversations with what the Presenter calls a "scumbag" (all based on him streaming in an untidy basement) = "bad person". A billionaire who talks with normal folk, to me at least, isn't "bad".

- But this "scumbag's" name just happens to be'Asmongold' which literally means 'As One Gold', Or As-Mind-Gold, i.e. Christ consciousness.

- Rogan asks "Musk", "are you in the top 20 in the world in Diablo?" - Musk says yes, because he is indeed in the top 20 (richest) people in the Devil's World (Diablo).

- "Musk" in his video gameplay is playing as Trickster, mischievous role, in typical Loki fashion - it is Loki/ Trickster/ Fool who reveals the illusion.

- "Only a level 62 staff": 62 = 8 = the Kundalini. So "only" means the kundalini hasn't yet been Abel to Heave(n) the Chrism up into the pineal/ pituitary complex = which would be signified by reaching the '9' (Christ Consciousness).

- Amusing that a David Lynch suggested video (about his DEATH) pops up in the section about "Musk". The last 5 years certainly have felt like a David Lynch production, whatever your stance on the "why"

- Assumes automated "robot" cars must necessarily be "bad" and part of the removal of our freedom of movement. Well, what about aircraft? Far safer than road transport and they are mostly piloted by automation.

- He says: "This is the "illuminati" in PLANE sight, with PLANE language and with PLANE movements" - yup. Plane = Level = True. On the level. Which is the direct opposite of the corruption and deceit we have grown so acclimatised to, but that there could be a positive change - "all of a sudden you are going a different way" - is not even Abel to be considered by a mind pickled by fear.

The last part of this presentation was a difficult watch due to the fear and panic being expressed by the host. Fear is indeed the mind killer and it prevents one achieving a wholistic picture of reality. When in fear, that amygdala closes down consciousness so there is no way to see the truth, whatever that might be. I have always stood by the outlook, whenever fear or anxiety about NWO etc comes: Look out of the window. Is the world noticeably ending? Is anything on fire? No? Can you still visit anywhere -i.e. nature - in your realm freely? Then take a breath and keep on keeping on with developing your Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding; The Trivium, which necessitates holding the opposing view to your own in mind, whilst not blindly accepting either; this is true Wisdom.

On what the Anti-Christ really represents

It isn't "Evil". It is Christ's shadow (/twin) and it is our cult.urally taught state until we re-member our divinity. The "fallen angel" (angle of light) is also represented by AdamEve, who "fell" from Unity consciousness/ Eden/ the womb into the world of Free Will and duality (Good/Evil; Me/You etc). When we "fall" into this duality we have our own "light bringer" within: the EGO. For a while it misconstrues our seeming sense of separateness from "God" as a fearful state to find ourselves in. But as it matures and grows more self-aware, it re-members (puts back together) that it is The Whole having a human experience. Christ realeyeses that he is "in the world, but not of it". "I and The Father are ONE".

By recognising that Christ needs Anti-Christ, just as much as Light needs Dark (and all opposites are of the same nature, just different ends of the spectrum) we reclaim our shadow and we are no longer in that fearful place the presenter embodies. We reach Apotheosis, just like Washington and Trump are showing us at this inauguration. This is a ritual for sure, but the coming of the "Anti-Christ" - just as Good Omens, which is itself a work of prophecy, shows - is entirely necessary for Revelation, Ragnarök, LIBERATION from that state of consciousness which has had its time to happen.

The Anti-Christ is foretold to reveal itself in Revelation... well, absolutely everything over the last 5 years seems to have been showing us that Adversarial energy, revealing its face and being utterly exposed. And this is good. After all, one cannot know Christ, without first knowing the opposite.

Trump, like Loki, like Gandalf, like Hermes, like Mercury, like Gemini, is a trickster, a man of two sides; at times rational, intelligent and well spoken & at others stupid, course and brash. But he is not just perfectly embodying Trickster. He is also King, Warrior and husband and Lover. He is showing us the whole man that we are when we re-cognise that we too hold within our Self, Adversary, Trickster and "Anti-Christ". Until we re-member this, "Christ consciousness" (the Middle Way, or bridge between Light and Dark/ Self and Other/ Good and Evil etc) is forgotten.

Lastly, and thank you for getting this far, I bet you a tenner that if I said to the presenter, that we've been shown the "Hegelian Dialectic" in theatrical form, but that this was not a "bad thing", he would freak out. Hegel beautifully showed how the interplay of "thesis" and "anti-thesis" (Light/ Dark etc) was how Consciousness and "God" evolved. I would add (if Hegel didn't also make this point haha) that the process is ONE that is seeking greater and greater knowledge of itself. SELF ("God") seeks greater SELF (and self) Consciousness, through this lovely little 's' self called a "me". And when you can bridge both worlds of Above and Below, Spirit and Matter, Heaven and Earth, you are walking The (Middle) Way prescribed by all of the great teachers and avatars of Religion and Mythology.

But you'll never get there without symbolic literacy of both light and dark, nor without considering that you indeed are both Light and Dark, Christ and Anti-Christ. No-thing happens without the existence of both. No story to the Uni-Verse and no 'apotheosis': the realeyesation of your own divinity - which is really what this Uni.One.Verse.Story is ALL about.

~ A.J. Dunbar




An exploration of All that springs forth from Source; Light & Dark alike.

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