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Mid-Life Passages

Writer: A.J. DunbarA.J. Dunbar

In Tarot readings and other conversations, I know that many of you (myself included) are going through that difficult, disruptive, but transformative set of crises we call "mid-life" (38-40). During this time astrologically we experience three powerful transits of "planets": Uranus opposition, Saturn opposition and a Neptune square - all relating to the movement (and needs) of these archetypes within us.

Here is a beautifully insightful passage from the Liz Greene in her great book (and they all are) 'The Astrological Neptune & the Quest for Redemption'.

"Transpersonal experiences [glimpses of a deeper reality beyond ego] occur most frequently at moments of great crisis. They are sometimes asscociated with the difficult passage through puberty. But such experiences are more typical of mid-life, when the established ego identity may have become too rigid and can no longer allow room for undeveloped dimensions of the personality to emerge [in Tarot, such shocking revelations and the breaking down of a calcified ego come with XVI THE TOWER]. It is not coincidental that, during the decade between the ages of 38 and 48... we all undergo those three great astrological cycles which comprise what is euphemistically known as mid-life crisis [see above]...

...From the perspective of transpersonal psychology, the pattern of difficult symptoms at this critical period of life may reflect the hidden orchestration of the larger self [YOU/ The Whole/ Source]. Depression, loss of meaning, physical illness, and even psychotic breakdown may imply NOT a deep underlying pathology but a CREATIVE FORCE which is seeking to break down outworn life patterns and attitudes [The Tower]. Thus what was previously experienced as normality may, through rigidity and overidentification, have become life-destroying; and what is diagnosed as illness may in fact be the unprepossessing surface of a SECRET HEALING PROCESS."*

So, in pondering this and reflecting on my current challenges, great relief was found in knowing that these passages in life are temporary; "this too shall pass". In looking back at past, difficult rites of passage I know that in riding out the choppier waves, as gracefully as possible, the "other side" will land a more self-aware Aaron on firmer Ground.

Whilst we can't avoid these transformative trials in life we can seek to bring more consciousness to them and so glean their esoteric (their secret) purpose: to bring greater knowledge of self and so of Self ("God"/ The Divine/ Uni-Verse etc). Only when our fear-based Tower of a limited ego-perspective crumbles - brought about through these alchemical passages - can we glimpse our true, vast nature.

The Tarot is one of the best ways I know of to help us ken (gknow) the little clues and hints as to our Way through The Hero's Journey and to Meaning, and I love aiding you in your Quest through our readings together.

Namárië x

*capitalisation and [ ]'s are my own emphasis and thoughts.


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An exploration of All that springs forth from Source; Light & Dark alike.

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Cheshire, UK

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