recommended resources
There is nothing I love more than having a list of books, videos, or websites to dive into when I am stuck for inspirational material or I am wanting to learn something new. Here are my top recommended resources. This will be updated from time to time as I discover new finds I think you will in-joy.

Tarot / Astrology
‘Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom’ - Rachel Pollack
The Astrology of Fate - Liz Greene
‘Liquid Light of Sex’ - Barbara Hand Clow
‘An Introduction to Astro-Psychology’- Glenn Perry

Mysticism/ Symbolism/ Non-duality
‘The Secret Teachings of all Ages’ - Manley P. Hall
‘I AM THAT’ - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
‘Tao Te Ching’ - Lau Tzu
‘Knowledge of the Higher Worlds’ - Rudolph Steiner
‘The Holographic Universe’ - Michael Talbot
‘An Extraordinary Absence’ - Jeff Foster

‘The Most Dangerous Superstition’ - Larken Rose
‘Anatomy of The State’ - Murray N. Rothbard
‘Political Ponerology’ - Andrew M. Lobaczewski

‘The Hero with a Thousand Faces’ - Joseph Campbell
‘the Power of Myth’ - Joseph Campbell
‘Iron John’ - Robert Bly
‘ He’ - Robert A. Johnson
‘She’ - Robert A. Johnson
‘King Warrior Magician Lover’ Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette
‘All Things Shining’ - Hubert Dreyfus & Sean Dorrance Kelly
‘Norse Mythology’ - Neil Gaiman

‘The Crowd’ - Gustav Le Bon
Puer Aeturnus - Marie-Louise von Franz
‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ - Victor E. Frankl
‘Dragon Mother’ - Michael Tsarion

related fiction
J.R.R. Tolkien
C.S. Lewis (including ‘The Screwtape Letters’)
Terry Pratchett
‘The Alchemist’ - Paulo Coehlo
‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’ - Richard Bach
Recommended websites